Main Content
The members of the rector's conference are the following universities (pursuant to Art. 2, para. 2 and 4, Art. 19, para. 2, Art. 30 and Art. 75 HEdA):
- Bern University of Applied Sciences, BFH,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Sebastian Wörwag; - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL,
represented by its president Prof. Dr. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral; - Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training, SFUVET, represented by its director Dr. Barbara Fontanellaz;
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, ETHZ,
represented by its president Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot; - University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, FHGR,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Gian-Paolo Curcio; - University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, FHNW,
represented by its president of the board of directors Prof. Dr. Crispino Bergamaschi; - University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, SUPSI, represented by its director general Prof. Franco Gervasoni;
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, HES-SO, represented by its rector Dr. Luciana Vaccaro;
- Haute École pédagogique des cantons de Berne, du Jura et de Neuchâtel, HEP-BEJUNE, represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Maxime Zuber;
- Haute Ecole pédagogique Vaud, HEP Vaud,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Thierry Dias; - Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, HSLU,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Barbara Bader; - University of Teacher Education in Special Needs, HfH,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Barbara Fäh; - Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland, Kalaidos,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. José Gomez; - OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Daniel Seelhofer; - University of Teacher Education Bern, PHBern,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Martin Schäfer; - Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg, HEP FR,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Delphine Etienne-Tomasini; - University of teacher education of the Grisons, PHGR,
represented by its rector Dr. Reto Givel-Bernhard; - University of Teacher Education Lucerne, PH Luzern,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Kathrin Krammer; - University of Teacher Education Schaffhausen, PHSH,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Thomas Hermann; - Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz, PHSZ,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Kathrin Futter; - St.Gallen University of Teacher Education, PHSG,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Horst Biedermann; - Thurgau University of Teacher Education, PHTG,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Sabina Larcher; - Haute Ecole pédagogique du Valais, HEP-VS,
represented by its director Fabio Di Giacomo; - University of Teacher Education Zug, PH Zug,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Esther Kamm; - University of Teacher Education Zurich, PH Zurich,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Andrea Schweizer; - Pädagogisches Hochschulinstitut NMS Bern, PH NMS Bern,
represented by its rector Dr. Katrin Müller; - University of Basel,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki; - University of Bern, UniBE,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Virginia Richter; - University of Fribourg, Unifr,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Katharina Fromm; - University of Geneva, UNIGE,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Audrey Leuba; - University of Lausanne, UNIL,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Frédéric Herman; - University of Lucerne, Unilu,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Martin Hartmann; - University of Neuchâtel, UniNE,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Kilian Stoffel; - University of St. Gallen, HSG,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Manuel Ammann; - Università della Svizzera italiana, USI,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Luisa Lambertini; - University of Zurich, UZH,
represented by its rector Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman; - Zurich University of the Arts, ZHdK,
represented by its rector Dr. Karin Mairitsch; - Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, ZHAW,
represented by its rector Dr. Regula Jöhl