Main Content

Dr. Sabine Felder
Head of Teaching Division, Deputy Secretary General
T +41 31 335 07 39

Etienne Dayer
Managing Director of the Chamber of universities of applied sciences
T +41 31 335 07 31

Noëmi Eglin-Chappuis
Co-Head of Division Research and Development
T +41 31 335 07 37

Dr. François Grandjean
Managing Director of the Chamber of universities
T +41 31 335 07 69

Dr. Andrea Hungerbühler
Managing Director of the Chamber of universities of teacher education
T +41 31 335 07 59

Rahel Imobersteg
Head of Division higher education policy
T +41 31 335 07 31

Barbara Jgushia
Ressortleiterin Personal
T 031 335 07 49

Dietrich Lindemann
Ressortleiter IT
T +41 31 335 07 51

Dr. Dimitri Sudan
Head of Division International Relations
T +41 31 335 07 56

Dr. Stefanie Wyssenbach
Co-Head of Division Research and Development
T +41 31 335 07 82

Kathrin Balmer
Director of Medicine and Health
T +41 31 335 07 54

Ursina Bentele
Communication Specialist
T +41 31 335 07 86

Joëlle Biolley
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 45

Valeria Cova
Assistant to the Managing Director of the Chamber of universities of teacher education
T +41 31 335 07 62

Dr. Katja Fiechter
Scientific collaborator
T + 41 31 335 07 33

Renate Frommenwiler
Assistentin der Generalsekretärin
T +41 31 335 07 40

Marie-Josée Galliker
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 42

Rahel Hollenstein
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 38

Liliane Järmann
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 48

Thomas Leibundgut
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 84

Beatriz Lorenzo
Collaborator infrastructure
T +41 31 335 07 76

Dr. phil. des. Gilles Monney
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 41

Aiyana Pfister
Assistant to the Managing Director of the Chamber of universities of applied sciences
T +41 31 335 07 46

Dr. Anne Planche Roduit
Scientific collaborator
T + 41 31 335 07 44

Tristan Robert
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 52

Timothy Savanyu
Administrative finances & controlling PgB
T +41 31 335 07 79

Jonatan Schäfer
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 75

Martina Schläpfer
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 29

Patricia Schmidiger
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 73

Tiziana Tafani
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 65

Catherine Vésy
Assistant to the Managing Director of the Chamber of universities
T +41 31 335 07 67

Leila Wenger
Technical specialist in Accounting and Financial Management
T +41 31 335 07 61

Dr. Mathis Wetzel
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 80

Dr. des. Christina Wyttenbach
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 55

Christian Zingg
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 89