Main Content
ORD Projects
The Open Science I Phase B – ORD programme implements those action lines of the ORD Action Plan that are under the responsibility of swissuniversities.
The website is continuously updated.
Action Lines A1.2.1 + A1.2.2: Provide ORD grants to support and develop ORD practices and community building
swissuniversities and the ETH Domain jointly organize the Swiss Open Research Data Grants programme. See here for more information about the collaboration.
Call for proposals B3.2: ORD Funding for Existing Research Infrastructures of Strategic Relevance
- Content: The aim of Measure B3 is to allocate cost-effective, long-term funding for ORD services and infrastructures of national significance. The call B3.2 welcomes project proposals that aim to promote ORD either by introducing a new ORD element or by further developing an ORD component in existing research infrastructures. If possible, and to avoid duplication, synergies with other existing infrastructures should be sought.
- Target Group: The call is open to existing infrastructures of all institutions eligible for funding that fulfill specific conditions (cf. Application Guidelines).
- Funding Duration: max. until the end of June 2025
- Call for proposals: 5 December 2023 – 22 February 2024 (call closed)
- More detailed information on the call are available in the Application Guidelines.
- Approved projects B3.2
- Events:
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Action Line B5.2: Action plans on data stewardship
- Content: Action line B5.2 of the ORD Action Plan aims to promote data stewardship and ORD specialists at all higher education and research institutions. Data stewardship is the focus of the first implementation step. Data stewardship encompasses the management and oversight of an organization's data assets with the goal of providing access to research data. As such, it is the link between researchers and support entities in the form of IT, libraries, and infrastructure providers. Data stewards take an active advisory role for researchers and serve as the first point of contact for all questions regarding (open) research data, e.g. data backup, long-term preservation, or data management.
- Target Group: The call is open to all institutions eligible for funding.
- Funding Duration: until the end of 2024
- Call for proposals: July 1, 2022 - October 1, 2022.
- Institutions were invited to describe their ideas and intentions for building up data stewardship at their institution in the form of a (short) action plan. More detailed information on the call are available in the Guide for Action Line B5.2 (German, French).
- Approved Action Plans Data Stewardship
- Events:
- Poster Session on 26 April 2023 in Bern
- Webinar "Data Stewardship" on 25 August 2022 in Bern
- Workshop for contact persons on 5 July 2022 in Bern
- Action plans of higher education institutions:
- Action Plan of the University of Basel
- Action Plan of the University of Bern
- Action Plan of the University of Fribourg and Freiburg University of Education
- Action Plan of the University of Geneva
- Action Plan of the University of Lausanne, University of Geneva, University of Zurich, Vaud University of Teacher Education, Zurich University of Applied Sciences & Geneva School of Management
- Action Plan of the University of Lucerne
- Action Plan of the University of Neuchâtel
- Action Plan of the University of Zurich
- Action Plan of the University Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
- Action Plan of the ETH Zurich
- Action Plan of the Graduate Institute, Geneva (IHEID)
- Action Plan of the Bern University of Applied Sciences
- Action Plan of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland
- Action Plan of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
- Action Plan of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- Action Plan of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, SUPSI
- Action Plan of the University of Applied Sciences Grisons
- Action plan of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
- Action plan of the University of Teacher Education Valais
- Action Plan of the University of Teacher Education Bern
- Action Plan of the University of Teacher Education Lurzern
- Action plan of the University of Teacher Education Zug
- Action Plan of the University of Teacher Education Zurich
- Action Plan of the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen (SFISM)
- Action Plan of the University of Teacher Education in Special Needs, University of Teacher Education Schwyz, University of Teacher Education Thurgau, University of Teacher Education St. Gallen & Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training
Action Line B5.3: Establishment of a Network for Data Stewardship
- Content: As part of action line B5.3, interested higher education institutions can submit project proposals to promote data stewardship and establish a corresponding network within the Swiss higher education landscape. The project aims to create a network that fosters inter-institutional exchange, initiates collaborations, and addresses the needs of various institutions and research communities. The network will also serve as a contact point for questions on data stewardship and ensure medium and long-term international alignment.
- Target Group: The call is open to all institutions eligible for funding.
- Funding Duration: until the end of 2024
- Call for proposals: 6 April 2023 - 15 June 2023 (call closed)
- More detailed information on the call are available in the application guidelines.
- Approved projects B5.3
- Events:
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Action Line C1.3: Mobilise and facilitate participation inrelevant international initiatives
- Content: The goal of Action Line C1.3 is to ensure adequate representation of Swiss researchers in international forums and initiatives. The call for proposals targets eligible Swiss higher education institutions and initiatives, aiming to enable their participation in relevant European and international initiatives by financing membership fees.
- Target Group: The call is open to all institutions eligible for funding.
- Funding Duration: max. until the end of 2024
- Call for proposals: from 18 April 2023 (continuous call until the budgeted funds are exhausted)
- Link to the application guidelines
- Projects approved to date
- Events:
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Action Line C2.1: Developing good practices for RDM training at higher education institutions
- Content: Action line C2.1 seeks to develop good practices for RDM training at Swiss higher education institutions. The process of developing must involve research communities and other relevant actors in the field of RDM.
- Target Group: The call is open to all institutions eligible for funding.
- Funding Duration: until the end of 2024
- Call for proposals: 6 April 2023 - 13 June 2023 (call closed)
- More detailed information on the call are available in the application guidelines.
- Approved projects C2.1
- Events:
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Action Line C2.2: RDM-Training in Curricula
- Content: Projects submitted under this call must aim to develop a model curriculum for a specific discipline that integrates research data management (RDM) into the training of PhD students and junior researchers. Preference is given to concepts with high potential for use at other institutions and other disciplines. If applicable, project proposals should involve the different types of higher education institutions and other relevant actors in the field of RDM.
- Target Group: The call is open to all institutions eligible for funding.
- Funding Duration: max. until the end of 2024
- Call for proposals: 4 July 2023 - 7 September 2023 (call closed)
- More detailed information on the call are available in the Application Guidelines.
- Approved projects C2.2
- Events:
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Action Line D1.3: Incentives and Rewards
- Content: As a step towards incentivizing and rewarding ORD practices, interested higher education institutions may submit a project proposal for promoting interinstitutional exchange and the dissemination of best practices for considering ORD practices in recruitment and career advancement processes.
- Target Group: The call is open to all institutions eligible for funding.
- Funding Duration: max. until the end of 2024
- Call for proposals: 4 July 2023 - 7 September 2023 (call closed)
- More detailed information on the call are available in the Application Guidelines.
- Approved projects D1.3
- Events:
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Aktionslinie D2.3: Anreize, Unterstützung und Finanzierung für Forschungsdatenschutzbeauftragte (RDPO) an Hochschulen
- Inhalt: Aktionslinie D2.3 zielt darauf ab, die Funktion von Research Data Protection Officers (RDPO) an den Hochschulen zu fördern, zu unterstützen und zu finanzieren, um die Forschungsgemeinschaften bei Bedarf in rechtlichen Fragen zu unterstützen. Diese Aktionslinie wird in Form eines Mandats umgesetzt, welches die folgenden Leistungen beinhaltet: Vernetzung der Datenschutzbeauftragten der Schweizer Hochschullandschaft und wo sinnvoll mit weiteren Expert:innen, Sammlung und Konsolidierung der datenschutzrechtlichen offenen Fragen zu ORD an Schweizerischen Hochschulen sowie eine Analyse der eidgenössischen, kantonalen und internationalen Gesetze und der von ORD betroffenen Normen (Panorama der betroffenen Normen).
- Mandatsnehmer: Switch (Leading House)
- Laufzeit und Budget: 1. Januar 2024 – 31. Dezember 2024, CHF 150'000 (exkl. Matching Funds)
- Veranstaltungen:
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