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Apolytirio Lykeio: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology, 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cypriot university.  Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ 
Lise Diplomasi: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university + reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ