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Partners of the chamber of universities of applied sciences and arts

Specialist conferences are independent associations of those responsible for the various specialist areas of the universities of applied sciences. They deal with the further development of specialist areas, carry out coordination duties and maintain connections with stakeholders in the business world and in the scientific community. The chamber of universities of applied sciences works closely with the specialist conferences.

Specialist conferences

Fachkonferenz Technik, Architektur und Life Sciences - FTAL

Conference of Swiss Universities of Music - CSUM

Direktorenkonferenz der schweizerischen Hochschulen für Kunst und Design - KHKD

Association of Management Schools - AMS

Specialised Conference on Social Work of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences - SASSA

Fachkonferenz Gesundheit - FKG

Konferenz der Hochschulen der Darstellenden Künste, des Films und des Literarischen Schreibens - KDKS

Fachkonferenz Angewandte Linguistik - FKLinguistik

Fachkonferenz Angewandte Psychologie - FKPsychologie