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Altre offerte di finanziamento

swissuniversities riceve occasionalmente informazioni su varie altre offerte di finanziamento da parte di alcune scuole universitarie, istituti di ricerca o fondazioni esteri.

Istituzioni di formazione all’estero concedono spesso proprie borse di studio per straniere/i, che non sono necessariamente pubblicate su larga scala. Raccomandiamo pertanto alle studentesse e agli studenti avanzate/i, ed in particolare alle ricercatrici e ai ricercatori, di informarsi direttamente presso le istituzioni ospitanti sugli aiuti finanziari.



The International Education Financial Aid website,, is the premier resource for international scholarship and grant information for students. On this site, they will find the most comprehensive listing of scholarships for international students.

Update: 27.11.2023

MAWISTA fördert mit ihrem Stipendium das Auslandsstudium mit Kind. Interessierte können sich bis zum 15.01. online mit ihrem Bewerbungsprofil bewerben. Die Stipendiensumme beträgt 3.000,- EUR.

Update: 01.12.2023

ScholarshipPortal provides comprehensive scholarship lists for a wide variety of destinations abroad.

Update: 18.10.2024 is a platform for international students to search for scholarships around the world.

Update: 18.10.2024


GOstralia!-GOmerica! supports students from Germany, Austria and Switzerland to study or spend a semester abroad at universities in Australia, New Zealand, the USA or Southeast Asia. They offer a comprehensive range of information and services related to studying abroad - all free of charge and without any commitment. The large scholarship overview offers both exclusive GOstralia!-GOmerica! Scholarships as well as scholarships from universities in Australia, New Zealand, the USA or Southeast Asia.

Update: 10.06.2024

Scholarships for studying in Australia

Update: 18.10.2024


Scholarships for studying in Austria (in English)

Update: 15.12.2023


Every year the Swiss Confederation awards up to 4 scholarships for postgraduate studies at the College of Europe in Bruges.

Update: 15.12.2023

Scholarships for studying in Flanders

Update: 12.06.2024

Scholarships for studying in Wallonie-Bruxelles

Update: 12.06.2024

Canada lists all relevant scholarships and bursaries free of charge. Students are matched to scholarships and bursaries when they create an account. In addition to matching, provides additional resources such as Scholarship Deadline Alerts.

Update: 15.12.2023

EduCanada is the official Government of Canada website for international students looking to study in Canada. The websites provides information about international scholarships offered by Canadian governments, foreign governments, non-governmental organizations and international organizations.

Update: 15.12.2023

Hong Kong

Scholarships for studying in China

Update: 15.06.2024

The Shanghai Municipal People's Government has established the Shanghai Municipal Government Scholarship for Foreign Students to support outstanding foreign students studying in Shanghai.

Update: 02.05.2024

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's universities. 400 PhD Fellowships will be awarded in the 2025/26 academic year.

Update: 05.09.2024

Scholarships for studying in Hong Kong

Update: 02.05.2024


Scholarships for studying in Estonia

Update: 12.06.2024


European Union funding opportunities in research and innovation

Update: 12.06.2024

The EU Funding & Tenders Portal is a one-stop-shop for EU funding and tender opportunities.

Update: 25.03.2024

EURAXESS connects researchers and entrepreneurs, allows universities and businesses to find talent and provides information about projects and funding.

Update: 15.12.2023


Scholarships for studying in Finland

Update: 16.09.2024

Studienbeiträge der Vereinigung der Freunde der Schweiz in Finnland (SYS) für einen Studienaufenthalt in Finnland
Voraussetzung: Personen mit schweizerischer Staatsangehörigkeit oder einem dauernden Aufenthalt in der Schweiz, die nachweisbar gewillt sind, den Kultur und Gedankenaustausch zwischen Finnland und der Schweiz zu fördern und zu pflegen / Studienbeitrag: zwischen EURO 1,200.00 bis EURO 1,700.00 / Aufenthaltsdauer in Finnland: 2 bis 4 Wochen, nicht während der Sommerferien (1.6. – 31.8.)
Ein Gesuch für das Folgejahr muss bis zum 15. Oktober an die Stiftung für Studienbeiträge in der Schweiz eingereicht werden.
Weitere Information sind auf der Website der Stiftung für Studienbeiträge der Schweizerischen Vereinigung der Freunde Finnlands erhältlich.

Update: 07.06.2024


Campus Bourses vous permet d’obtenir des informations sur les bourses proposées aux étudiants étrangers. Cet outil répertorie toutes les aides délivrées par les États (français et étrangers), les collectivités territoriales, les entreprises, les fondations et les établissements d’enseignement supérieur.

Campus Bourses (Campus Scholarships) provides information on the scholarships offered to foreign students. The tool lists all of the assistance provided by the States (French and foreign), regional authorities, companies, foundations and institutes of higher education.

Update: 13.11.2018

The Fondation FYSSEN encourages all the researches relative to the capacities to reason and more widely in the cognitive processes to animals and man as well as in the biological and cultural foundations of these processes.

Update: 15.05.2024

The Mandated by the Swiss Confederation, the "Germaine de Staël" programme promotes French-Swiss research partnerships. It is open to all research disciplines and covers travel and accommodation costs for short stays with the partner team.

Update: 31.05.2024

Across a series of different research programmes and calls for applications, including its original the Smart Loire Valley Programme, LE STUDIUM attracts, selects and welcomes experienced international researchers into public and private regional laboratories for long-term residencies and visits. With them and their host laboratories LE STUDIUM supports the organisation of scientific events and networking actions enabling the development of sustainable international collaborations and scientific interdisciplinary exchanges.

Update: 18.10.2024


Stipendiendatenbank des DAAD: Informationen über DAAD-Stipendienprogramme für internationale Studierende und Forschende sowie Angebote anderer ausgewählter Förderorganisationen

Scholarship database of the DAAD: Information about DAAD scholarship programmes for international students and researchers and offers from other selected funding organisations

Update: 12.06.2024

Great Britain

EU, EEA and Swiss nationals coming to the UK to study are no longer eligible for home fee status or financial learner support. This means that British universities are free to charge Swiss students full international fees, which vary depending on the institution and the course. This applies to the entire UK, i.e. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
For further information, please consult the website of the Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom.

Update: 24.05.2024

The Study UK website of the British Council provides practical information and insight on UK education, including information on scholarships and financial support, for international students.

Update: 24.05.2024

Berrow Foundation Scholarships and Berrow Foundation Lord Florey Scholarships: A generous gift from the late Marquis de Amodio CBE provides for the award of seven or more scholarships each year to enable graduates of Swiss universities to undertake a course of advanced study at the University of Oxford as members of Lincoln College. The scholarships include course fees, college accommodation costs and a generous living allowance. They are tenable for up to three years.

Update: 24.06.2024


The Onassis Fellowships Program for International Scholars is aimed at academics of all ranks – members of national Academies, Ph.D. holders and post-doctoral researchers – to conduct research in Greece in subjects relating to Greek culture and society.

Update: 15.12.2023


Every year, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI finances scholarships for Swiss students and researchers admitted to the European University Institute in Florence (EUI).

Update: 15.12.2023



JSPS International Fellowships for Research in Japan
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. Fellows are given guidance, further opportunities, a network of alumni, and other support provided by JSPS during and after the research tenures in Japan.

Update: 15.05.2024

The  Hosei University in Tokyo offers within its "Hosei International Fund (HIF) Foreign Scholars Fellowship Program" a few fellowship grants for a period of six months to young scholars from abroad who are, at least, enrolled in a doctoral degree program to carry out non-degree research programs under the guidance and cooperation of faculty members and researchers at Hosei University.

Update: 04.06.2024

Every year, the Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) invites foreign researchers to Japan under the Fellowship Program of MIF. Applicants are free to choose a host institution (universities, national research institutions, or the equivalent facilities in private sector) to carry out their research of 6 months within the period between April and March of the following year.

Update: 01.07.2024

Japan Student Services Organization: Scholarships for studying in Japan

Update: 12.06.2024

Annually, the Canon Foundation in Europe grants up to 15 Fellowships for a minimum period of three months up to maximum of one year to highly qualified European and Japanese researchers in all fields of research. Canon Fellows from Europe are free to choose their host institutes and hosts in Japan. Applicants should have obtained at least a Master's or PhD degree within the last ten years of applying to the Canon Foundation.

Update: 16.09.2024


Scholarships for studying in Korea

Update: 02.05.2024


Scholarships for studying in the Netherlands

Update: 02.05.2024

New Zealand

Scholarships for studying in New Zealand

Update: 05.01.2024

GOstralia!-GOmerica! supports students from Germany, Austria and Switzerland to study or spend a semester abroad at universities in Australia, New Zealand, the USA or Southeast Asia. They offer a comprehensive range of information and services related to studying abroad - all free of charge and without any commitment. The large scholarship overview offers both exclusive GOstralia!-GOmerica! Scholarships as well as scholarships from universities in Australia, New Zealand, the USA or Southeast Asia.

Update: 10.06.2024


Scholarships for studying in Norway

Update: 05.01.2024


Every year the Swiss Confederation awards up to 4 scholarships for postgraduate studies at the College of Europe in Natolin.

Update: 15.12.2023

The National Science Centre in Poland (NCN) supports basic research by funding research projects carried out by individual researchers and research teams, both on the domestic and international level, as well as doctoral fellowships and post-doctoral internships. NCN announces calls for proposals four times a year. The NCN grantee must be employed at a Polish host institution.

Update: 22.03.2024


The Polish National Agency of Academic Exchange NAWA coordinates state activities driving the process of internationalization of Polish academic and research institutions. NAWA offers various scholarship and fellowship programmes to enhance international cooperation of scientists within the Polish system of science and higher education and to increase the number of outstanding foreign students at Polish universities.

Update: 22.03.2024


The Research in Poland campaign aims to present the achievements of Polish science and to promote Poland as an attractive country for conducting research and developing a scientific career to international scientific community. The website provides extensive information on grants, scholarships, scientific events, vacancies and projects in Poland. Thanks to the participation of all national agencies and cooperation with Polish universities and research institutes the website presents the vast majority of existing opportunities.

Update: 23.07.2024


Work Holiday Programme (WHP)
The Work Holiday Programme allows Swiss undergraduate or graduate students aged 18 to 25 at the time of application to work and holiday in Singapore for up to 6 months.

Update: 28.08.2024


The Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia implements various scholarship programmes for Slovenes and foreign students coming to Slovenia.
At the same time the fund collects and publishes also information about other scholarship opportunities for foreign students to come to Slovenia.
Scholarships are available for high school as well as various level of tertiary education.

Update: 07.06.2024

Southeast Asia

GOstralia!-GOmerica! supports students from Germany, Austria and Switzerland to study or spend a semester abroad at universities in Australia, New Zealand, the USA or Southeast Asia. They offer a comprehensive range of information and services related to studying abroad - all free of charge and without any commitment. The large scholarship overview offers both exclusive GOstralia!-GOmerica! Scholarships as well as scholarships from universities in Australia, New Zealand, the USA or Southeast Asia.

Update: 10.06.2024


Scholarships for studying in Sweden

Update: 05.09.2024


The Taiwan Fellowship is established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to award foreign experts and scholars interested in researches related to Taiwan, cross-strait relations, Asia-Pacific region and Sinology to conduct advanced research at universities or academic institutions in Taiwan. The MOFA Taiwan Fellowship is open for application in May and June every year and recipients will conduct their research in Taiwan as early as January the next year.

Update: 02.04.2024

The Research Grant Program of the Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) in Taiwan is designed for foreign professors, associate professors, assistant professors (including post-doctoral researchers) and doctoral candidates in departments related to Chinese studies at foreign universities, as well as researchers at related foreign academic institutes. The research should be undertaken in Taiwan, and be focused mainly on Taiwan or Chinese studies.

Update: 02.05.2024

The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange aims to encourage scholars at academic institutions throughout the world to undertake research projects in the humanities and social sciences that can shed new light on Chinese culture and society, as well as engage in international cooperation and exchange. Fellowship programs:
1. Lecture Series Grants
2. Research Grants
3. Database Grants
4. Conference and Seminar Grants
5. Publication Subsidies
6. Fellowships for Ph.D. Dissertations and Postdoctoral Research

Update: 02.05.2024


The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) is the leading agency for management, funding and conduct of research in Türkiye. TÜBİTAK grants fellowships for international highly qualified PhD students, young post-doctoral researchers and advanced researchers to pursue their research in Türkiye.

Update: 30.05.2024


Information about financial aid opportunities:

Update: 07.06.2024

Scholarships of the Swiss-American Society

Update: 07.06.2024

The American Association of University Women AAUW
Fellowships and Grants

Update: 07.06.2024

GOstralia!-GOmerica! supports students from Germany, Austria and Switzerland to study or spend a semester abroad at universities in Australia, New Zealand, the USA or Southeast Asia. They offer a comprehensive range of information and services related to studying abroad - all free of charge and without any commitment. The large scholarship overview offers both exclusive GOstralia!-GOmerica! Scholarships as well as scholarships from universities in Australia, New Zealand, the USA or Southeast Asia.

Update: 10.06.2024