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Bodies of the Chamber of universities

The Chamber of universities has set up three commissions, which in particular ensure coordination between the universities in specific fields and act as advisory bodies to the Chamber.

Swiss Animal Facilities Network (SAFN)

SAFN’s mission is to coordinate current and future activities at the animal facilities run by Swiss universities, particularly in relation to rodents. Its main areas of activity are as follows:

  • sharing good practice
  • communication
  • sharing services associated with animal experiments
  • hygiene at animal facilities and monitoring of animal health

SAFN has two active bodies: the Board of Heads of Animal Facilities (Mandate) and the SAFN Communication Group. Both bodies are composed of representatives of the higher education institutions that belong to the network.


Members of the Board of Heads of Animal Facilities (HAFs)

  • Xavier Warot, Chair, Head of the Center of PhenoGenomics (CPG), EPFL
  • Gregor Fischer, Vice-chair, Managing Director Laboratory Animal Services Center (LASC), University of Zurich
  • Alessandra Bergadano, Head of Experimental Animal Center (EAC), University of Bern and Inselspital
  • Pierre Bonnaventure, Head of Animal Facilities, University of Geneva and HUG
  • Kerstin Broich, Head of Animal Facilities, University of Basel
  • Claire Mader, General Manager of Animal Facilities, and Nathalie Magnenat, Coordinator and Administrative Manager of Animal Facilities, University of Lausanne and CHUV
  • Sara Maffei, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB), Università della Svizzera italiana
  • Torsten Promny, Veterinarian ETH Phenomics Center (EPIC), and Stefan Selbert, General Manager ETH Phenomics Center (EPIC), ETH Zurich
  • Nina Trimmel, Head of Animal Facilities, University of Fribourg

Observers of the board of HAFs

  • Philippe Bugnon, Head of Education and Continuing Education in Laboratory Animal Science, Institute for Laboratory Animal Science, University of Zurich
  • Christelle Cadilhac, ResAL Coordinator, Réseau des Animaleries Lémaniques (ResAL)
  • Michaela Thallmair, Chair of the Animal Welfare Officer Network, Head Dept Animal Welfare and 3R, University of Zurich

Swiss Transparency Agreement on Animal Research (STAAR)

STAAR aims to improve communication and transparency regarding the use of animals in research. It brings together both public and private organisations that either carry out, are involved and/or fund animal research or institutions which breed and supply animals.

STAAR's activities are planned and executed by two bodies: the plenary assembly composed of representatives of all signatories, and a working group that is responsible for the management of STAAR. Each year, a different institution is designated as the lead organisation and promotes STAAR at the national level.

To the STAAR web page

Kommission für Zulassung und Äquivalenzen

Die Kommission für Zulassung und Äquivalenzen hat zum Ziel, die Zulassungsbedingungen zu harmonisieren, weitere Fragen und Probleme der Anerkennung zu diskutieren und wenn möglich einer gemeinsamen Lösung zuzuführen. Sie setzt sich aus den Leiterinnen und Leitern der Zulassungsstellen der 12 universitären Hochschulen zusammen.



  • Stefanie Knill, Leiterin Zulassungsstelle ETH Zürich, Präsidentin
  • Emanuel Szadrowsky, Leiter Studiensekretariat, Universität Basel
  • Daniela Egger-Mikic, Abteilungsvorsteherin Abt. Zulassung, Immatrikulation und Beratung, Universität Bern
  • Antoine Bianchi, Adjoint au chef du Service académique pour la formation Bachelor et Master, EPFL, Vice-président
  • Anja Gruber-Thum, Leiterin Dienststelle für Zulassung und Einschreibung, Universität Freiburg
  • Antonio Latella, Chef de projet - Service des immatriculations, Université de Genève
  • Carine Rüssmann, Cheffe du Service des immatriculations et inscriptions, Université de Lausanne
  • Pia Fleischlin, Leiterin Studiendienste, Universität Luzern
  • Muriel Brunner, Adjointe Immatriculations, Université de Neuchâtel
  • Beat Rigamonti, Leiter Zulassungs- und Anrechnungsstelle, Universität St.Gallen
  • Claudia Tobescu, Leiterin Zulassungsstelle, Universität Zürich
  • Teresa Cafaro, Decanato della Facoltà di comunicazione, cultura e società, Università della Svizzera Italiana