Main Content
Contents: Supporting cooperative projects at doctoral level between UASAs/UTEs and foreign higher education institutions
Target group: The programme addresses UASAs and UTEs in cooperation with foreign higher education institutions
Duration: Project contributions 2021–2024. Another program will follow the current one for the 2025–2028 funding period.
Call for tenders: Higher education institutions were invited to submit applications at the beginning of the period. No additional call for proposals will be launched.
The sub-project "TP3: Cooperation between Swiss universities of applied sciences (UASA) / Swiss universities of teacher education (UTE) and foreign higher education institutions at doctorate level" is the successor to the homonym programme 2017–2020 and promotes joint research projects in the field of doctoral studies, between UASA and UTE on the one hand, and foreign higher education institutions on the other. Support is given to cooperations in fields and disciplines that are not represented at Swiss universities. The doctoral degrees are issued by the foreign partner higher education institution.
The primary emphasis is on the following goals:
- Involving UASAs and UTEs in the qualification of their young talents in fields and disciplines that are not represented at Swiss universities;
- Highlighting the possibility for UASAs and UTEs graduates to pursue third cycle careers;
- Strengthening international competitiveness of Swiss higher education institutions and enabling them to attract young talents.
The sub-project is part of a reflection on the needs of UASAs and UTEs in terms of training the next generation of young talents and on the means of meeting these needs in the long term.
Members of the steering committee TP3
- Christine Pirinoli, vice-rectrice Recherche et Innovation, Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale, President Steering Commitee
- Gian-Paolo Curcio, Rektor Fachhochschule Graubünden
- Barbara Bader, Rektorin Hochschule Luzern
- Doris Edelmann, Leiterin Institut für Forschung, Entwicklung und Evaluation Pädagogische Hochschule Bern
First Call for proposals (2020)
Binational Doctoral Program in Subject-Specific Education for the School Subject Science and Social Studies «Fachdidaktik Natur, Mensch, Gesellschaft»
Participating higher education institutions: PH Luzern, PH Heidelberg
MAKE/SENSE - International Graduate School of Art and Design
Participating higher education institutions: FHNW, Kunstuniversität Linz, Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften
Transdisciplinary Artistic PhD-Program
Participating higher education institutions: ZHdK, Kunstuniversität Linz
Arts-Based PhD Program in Performing Arts, Music and Film
Participating higher education institutions: ZHdK, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Stockholm University of the Arts
PhD Fachdidaktik Art & Design
Participating higher education institutions: ZHdK, PH Zürich, Academy of Fine Art, Design and Architecture Stuttgart, PH Freiburg
Second Call for proposals (2021)
ArtSearCH - Doctorate of Arts
Participating higher education institutions: HES-SO, PSL Paris Sciences & Lettres - SACRe
The Swiss - Irish joint doctoral programme in Health Sciences
Participating higher education institutions: HES-SO, SUPSI, University College Dublin
Eco-Social Innovation by Design
Participating higher education institutions: HSLU, The National Institute of Design Ahmedabad India