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IRUAS (International Relations - Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts) was formed in 2008. It is a network organisation for all employees at Swiss universities of applied sciences and arts in the area of international issues and mobility.

Its activities are coordinated by the IRUAS Committee, which is composed of up to two people from each university of applied science and arts. The IRUAS Committee is headed by Barbara Binz of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) and Anne-Marie Jäger of the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (FHGR). IRUAS forms ad-hoc working groups on current topics, delegates people who represent the international offices of universities of applied sciences and arts on various bodies (e.g. International Relations Experts Group), organises a regular IRUAS networking event on current important topics and ensures the good exchange of information among universities of applied sciences and arts.


IRUAS-Conference 2023

Die IRUAS-Tagung 2023 findet am 26. und 27. Januar 2023 zum Thema Interaktion und Begegnung am ZHAW-Campus Stadt-Mitte in Winterthur statt. Der Fokus liegt auf "Internalisation at Home". Neben Keynote-Beiträgen und Workshops bietet die Tagung insbesondere die Möglichkeit, Kolleg:innen verschiedener Schweizer Fachhochschulen und Pädagogischer Hochschulen zu treffen und sich mit ihnen auszutauschen.

Die Tagung wird von der ZHAW, der ZHdK und der PH Zürich gemeinsam organisiert.