Main Content
Each year, swissuniversities publishes data on the gender distribution of faculty hires at universities, as well as on the total proportion of female professors at these institutions. These figures are used as a basis for strategic discussions by the Chamber of Universities.
Statistics from 2017 onwards have been established by the Federal Statistical Office according to a new methodology on the basis of the Higher Education Personnel Survey of the Swiss Higher Education Information System. In view of the relatively small number of observations, the results are presented over a three-year period in order to take into account the effect of annual variations and to guarantee data protection.

The monitoring originates from the incentive measures of the federal program Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in Universities, which aimed to increase the proportion of women and to ensure transparency and equality in the appointment procedures. Until 2017, the data was collected directly by swissuniversities and included two categories (ordinary and extraordinary professors on the one hand, and assistant professors on the other). Until 2015/2016, the data was collected by academic year.
2019-2021: Anstellungen und Gesamtbestand (German / French)
2018-2020: Anstellungen und Gesamtbestand (German / French)
2017-2019: Anstellungen und Gesamtbestand (German / French)
2017: Erhebung Neuanstellungen, Diagramme
2015/2016: Erhebung Neuanstellungen und Gesamtbestand, Diagramme
2014/2015: Erhebung Neuanstellungen und Gesamtbestand, Diagramme
2013/2014: Resultate Erhebung und Gesamtbestand, Diagramme
2012/2013: Erhebung Neuanstellungen und Geamtbestand, Diagramme
2011/2012: Erhebung Neuanstellungen und Gesamtbestand, Diagramme
2010/2011: Erhebung Neuanstellungen und Gesamtbestand, Diagramme
2009/2010: Erhebung und Diagramme Neuanstellungen und Gesamtbestand
2008/2009: Erhebung und Diagramme Neuanstellungen und Gesamtbestand
2007/2008: Erhebung und Diagramme Neuanstellungen und Gesamtbestand